So this is what it's all about. Right here - right now. One of the most beautiful women I know is having a beautiful baby.
And I have the honor of telling the story. Just now it's tiny and you don't see much but a little what I call a cheese belly...hahaha...the one i have myself...
Ohh, she will hate me for that...puh, but I can't wait to see that belly grow.
So yesterday from the minute I walked through the door until I walked out again I could not possible take my camera eye of her and the two of us had a great time catching up with all the things that had happened since we last met. We would only stop talking for a click or two. Girls at their best.
Great afternoon. btw - no photoshop - no makeup - only natural light.
So this is for you Anna, that you always remember how very beautiful you are - and this very special moment on the 17th of May 2016 in your flat in Berlin carrying that tiny new life inside of you.
Bless ya my girl.